for participation in Aarhus International Piano Competition 2019
The Competition is open to pianists of all nationalities.
Applicants in Category A must be born between 16th of March 2003 – 15th of March 2008.
Applicants in Category B must be born between 16th of March 1997 – 15th of March 2003.
All necessary documents for participation must be received by the Competition Secretary through the online application system on November 15th 2018 at the latest.
Every applicant has to upload an audio recording together with the application. Editing of the recordings is not allowed, but separate works or movements can be from different takes.
As many participants as possible shall be offered the opportunity to stay with guest families in and near Aarhus during the competition period. Staying with guest families, participants are allowed to be accompanied by one family member.
Each competitor is responsible for all costs that may be incurred by participation in the Competition.
The Competition Repertoire must be played from memory.
A competitor may only alter his/her programme for any stage of the Competition by informing the Competition Secretary of the change by 15th of February, 2019.
No appeal shall be possible against decisions by the Jury or by the Competition Directors.
The Aarhus International Piano Competition is sole holder of the rights to all video or audio recordings and Internet broadcasts in all stages of the Competition.
Competitors cede to the Aarhus International Piano Competition, without remuneration, the rights to the following:
a) performances of works during the the whole Competition
b) performances of works during the concerts for participants and the final-concert
c) photographic and recorded images taken during participation in the Competition and the concerts.
These rights are unlimited in time and space for the following purposes:
– recording
– reproduction (all forms)
– trading
– placing on computer memory, internet or other networks
– public play-back and performance
– exhibiting
– screening
– renting
– leasing
– broadcasting by wired or wireless sound or vision by terrestrial or satellite stations
– simultaneous and integral radio and television transmission and retransmission.The exploitation of these rights in the ways set out above will be carried out by individuals, firms, radio and television stations and record labels authorised to do so by the Aarhus International Piano Competition.
For reasons of competition planning the competitors are required to report in time.
All prize winners are obliged to take part in the Final Concert and to be present at the distribution of prizes. Should a prize winner not appear, he/she can lose the claim to prizes; on such matters the Management of the Competition shall decide.
All organizational decisions concerning the Competition remain the responsibility of the Competition Management. The Management reserves the right to make all final decisions in the event of any misunderstanding.
For as long as pianists take part in the Competition they are not be allowed to have contact with, or speak with members of the Jury.
The application fee of 100 € cannot be returned.
In some cases foreign competitors will need visas. Applicants should consult the nearest Danish Embassy or Consulate for advice.
By sending the application form the participants declare that they approve the terms and conditions mentioned in the regulations.
for the Jury’s adjudication of candidates in Aarhus International Piano Competition.
When adjudicating the candidates and awarding Prizes the Jury must take into account artistic as well as instrumental aspects of the performances. After assessment of the candidate’s artistic and instrumental standard as demonstrated through the varied repertoire of the rounds, the individual Juror votes for the candidates who, up to the time of voting, in his or her opinion are the best qualified. It is thus the individual candidate’s overall performance throughout the competition that must always be taken into account.
The goal of each of the Aarhus International Piano Competition is to award all the advertised Prizes. Only a unanimous Jury can decide not to award one or more prizes on the grounds that the standard of the candidates does not live up to the demands that ought to be made by international competitions of this kind.
- Voting is by secret ballot in the presence of an Inspector representing, and appointed by the Management of the Competition. Ballots may not be made public.
- The Jurors will vote independently and may not discuss the performances before or during the voting procedure.
- Jurors may not communicate with any active participant.
- The vote of a Juror will be taken into account only if he or she has heard all performances of all rounds.The Management of the Competition has the right to make exceptions to this rule. If a member of the jury, with approval of the Management of the Competition, was not present during the performance(s) of one/several competitor(s), this member of the jury will henceforward be disqualified regarding this/these Competitor(s). The ballots must be signed by the Jurors. After each voting the Inspector collects and counts the ballots, ensuring that they are duly signed.
- After the preliminary rounds, any Juror who has, on a regular basis during the last two years preceding the competition, taught one or more of the candidates may not judge his or her pupil(s). This or other disqualifying relationships between Jurors and Competitors, be they of a professional or personal nature, will be discussed at the Jury meeting before the competition.After the preliminary rounds, members of the Jury who have one or more pupils among the candidates – or who are otherwise disqualified – will mark a “0” beside the name(s) of this or these candidate(s). Thereafter votes are cast so as to make the total of “0’s” and “+’s” the number of votes required for the round in question. Should the candidate obtain at least 4 votes cast by the other jurors, a “+” will be added to the “0”. Should a candidate not obtain at least 4 votes cast by the other jurors, the juror in question must nominate another (other) candidate(s).
If a member of the jury does not inform the Management of Aarhus International Piano Competition about any disqualifying relationship between him/her and a participant, this member of the jury can immediately be excluded from the jury.
- Prior to voting after the preliminary rounds, each member of the Jury will be issued with a ballot with names of all the candidates performing in the round.After the first round in Category A each member of the Jury places a “+” beside the names of the 10 candidates whom the Juror deems best qualified (Taking into consideration point 4 and 5.) The 10 candidates who obtain most votes will qualify for the second round.
After the first round in Category B each member of the Jury places a “+” beside the names of the 12 candidates whom the Juror deems best qualified (Taking into consideration point 4 and 5.) The 12 candidates who obtain most votes will qualify for the second round.
After the second round in Category B a preliminary ballot will be undertaken. Firstly each member of the Jury places a “+” beside the names of the 8 candidates whom the Juror deems best qualified (Taking into consideration point 4.) The 8 candidates who obtain most votes will qualify for a second voting.Secondly each member of the Jury places a “+” beside the names of the 4 candidates who the Juror deems best qualified (Taking into consideration point 4.) The 4 candidates who obtain most votes will qualify for the final round.
After the second round in Category A a preliminary ballot will be undertaken. Firstly each member of the Jury places a “+” beside the names of the 6 candidates whom the Juror deems best qualified (Taking into consideration point 4.) The 6 candidates who obtain most votes will qualify for a second voting.
Secondly each member of the Jury places a “+” beside the names of the 3 candidates who the Juror deems best qualified (Taking into consideration point 4.) The 3 candidates who obtain most votes will recieve a prize.If a vote proves inconclusive, the following procedures will be observed:a) Should two or more candidates receive the same number of qualifying votes, a separate ballot will be held.b) Should the votes be inconclusively distributed (minority votes) on both sides of the qualifying line, the contestants enjoying the support of the clear majority will be chosen first and those with not more than one vote will be rejected.A new ballot will then be undertaken among the remaining candidates to allocate the vacancies.
- After the second round in Category A and after the final round in Category B, a separate vote – with all members of the Jury taking part – is taken for each of the three or four main prizes – beginning with the 1st Prize.Prior to the vote, each member of the Jury is issued with a ballot on which he or she writes the name of the finalist to whom the Juror wishes to award the prize in question.
If the voting results in a tie between two finalists, a vote is taken to decide whether a Prize is to be divided between the two (in which case the subsequent Prize is not awarded, and the sum for the two Prizes is divided equally between the two winners (ex aequo)). If there is not a majority in favour of dividing the Prize, the vote of the Chairman of the Jury decides in favour of one of the candidates. In case the President is disqualified according to point 4, the Vice-President of the Jury casts the deciding vote.
If the voting results in a tie between three finalists, a vote will be taken to select, finally, the two best-qualified. Then follows the above procedure for the case of a tie between two finalists.A prize will not be awarded, only in the event of all voting papers for this prize being blank.
The Audience Prize is awarded on the basis of other regulations that are of no concern to the Jury.
- After the first round in Category A and after the first round in Category B the Carl Nielsen Prizes will be decided by voting. Firstly each member of the Jury places a “+” beside the names of the 10 candidates whom the Juror deems best qualified (Taking into consideration point 4.) The 10 candidates who obtain most votes will qualify for a second voting.Secondly each member of the Jury places a “+” beside the names of the 4 candidates who the Juror deems best qualified (Taking into consideration point 4.) The 4 candidates who obtain most votes will qualify for the possibility to have the prize. Each member of the Jury is then issued with a ballot on which he or she writes the name of the candidate to whom the Juror wishes to award the Carl Nielsen Prize (Taking into consideration point 7).
- The EMCY-Prize is awarded to a prize winner of Category B. The voting procedure is like the main prize voting procedure.
- After each of the preliminary rounds the names of the candidates that proceed further are made public in alphabetical order, without mention of the number of votes obtained.
- At the final concert the names of the Prize winners will be made public, without mention of the number of votes obtained.
- If a member of the jury does not participate in the competition, for example on account of ”Force Majeure”, the Management has the possibility to appoint a new member of the jury immediately.
- The decision of the Jury is final and cannot be appealed.
- In cases of doubt the Danish edition of the regulations applies.