The musical and cultural Association “Daniele Lobefaro” of Gioia del Colle (BA), supported by the township of Gioia del Colle, Culture Borough Council Clerk’s Office, announces the 22nd International Music Competition “Pietro Argento”, which will take place at the “G. Rossini” Theatre, from 29th May – 2nd June 2019.
The Competition is open to every musician from all over the world.
Sections and tests
Section Young Talents
Section I – Piano (soloist);
Section II – Pianistic Performance;
Section III – Chamber Music (from duet with or without piano up to Chamber Orchestra, including four hands, two piano, jazz ensembles, chorus);
Section IV – Vocal Music (Vocal Chamber Music, Opera singing).
Section Young Talents (up to 11 full years),
it is open to each instrument, as soloist, wirh accompanist or in ensemble.
A free choise programme, max. 7 minutes.
Section I – Piano (soloist),
group A (up to 15 full years)
A programme from 15 to 20 minutes, including:
– an Etude by C. Czerny Studi op. 299, op. 335, op. 740, op. 834, J. B. Cramer – 60 Studi scelti, S. Heller – Studi op. 45, A. Jensen Studi romantici op. 8, F. Liszt – Studi op.1, E. Pozzoli – Studi di media difficoltà, Studi a moto rapido, F. Chopin Studi op.10 e op.25, P.I.Tchaikovsky 12 Morceaux op.40.
– a composition by J.S. Bach from French Suites, English Suites, Invenzioni a 2 voci, Duets, Sinfonie a 3 voci, a prelude and fugue from Well-tempered Clavier.
– Free programme.
group B (up to 21 full years)
A programme from 20 to 25 minutes, including:
– an Etude by Chopin, Liszt, Debussy, Scriabin, Bartòk, Rachmaninov, Kessler, Rubinstein, Moscheles, Mendelssohn, Czerny op.740 from number 12.
– a prelude and fugue from J.S. Bach‘s Well-tempered Clavier or 2 movements from the 6 Partitas by J.S. Bach ;
– Free programme.
Section II – Pianistic Performance (up to 37 full years),
Preliminary test, 20 minutes max including:
– one movement from a Sonata (Haydn, Clementi, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert);
– an Etude by Chopin, Liszt, Debussy, Scriabin, Bartòk, Rachmaninov, Kessler, Rubinstein, Moscheles, Mendelssohn;
– Free programme.
Final test
Free programme, 30 minutes max., barring the pieces already played, but it is possible to complete the sonata begun as preliminary test.
Section III Chamber Music (no age limits)
(from duet with or without piano up to Chamber Orchestra, including four hands, two pianos, jazz ensembles)
Group A – four hands, two pianos, from duet up chamber orchestra. A free choice programme, 25 minutes max;
Group B– Chamber music for strings (with or without piano). A free choice programme, 25 minutes max.
Section IV Vocal Music (no age limits)
Group A – Vocal Chamber Music, free choice programme, 20 minutes max, including more composers in two languages at least.
Group B – Opera singing, free choice programme, 3 arias in original language.
The contestans have to be present in the day and hour of their convocation. If they are not present, they can be admitted to their audition, only if the Jury is agree.
A perfomance by memory is compulsory only for sect. II Pianistic performance.
Compositions have to be original for 1st section (piano soloists), 2nd Pianistic performance and 4th section group A-B.
Transcriptions by the same composer can be performed. Direction can, anyway, allow to performe transcriptions by other composers.
The winners of the 1st prize, awarded with scolarships, in one competition of the previous edition, cannot apply in the same section/group, but only in a higher section/group.
It is possible to apply in more sections and in group A and B only in sect. 4th.
It is compulsory to pass the documents control made by the Competition secretariat, before the audition, and to give a copy of the compositions to the Jury. The candidates are not obliged to play for the max. dur. , but the Jury can stop performance before the fixed limit, informing candidates in advance.
The JURY is composed by five musicians of renown. Jury members who have pupils or relatives among the candidates shall abstain from the judgement; the abstention will be recorded in the minutes. Jury can ask candidates to come again for testing in case it cannot reach judgement.
It has the right not to grant prizes if candidates with the needed requirements were not found.
The Jury’s marks will be final and unquestionable.
Calendar, pianos and auditions
Candidates can prove piano of auditions 29th May and before category audition begins, booking the turn in Theatre on the same day. There are 11 pianos to practice, booking the turn in foyer.
The calendar of tests of every category will be available from 25th May 2019. Candidates shall ask for informations by calling the Direction on:
tel. +39 080 3433405
+39 328 1891920
+39 328 3774229 ;
Calendar of tests will be available on
Public is admitted to every competition. The appearance order will be alphabetical. Contestants must be present for registration before their own cat. and sect. beginning. Late comers may be admitted to the test only with Jury assent.
Points and prizes
Sections Young Talents, III, IV
The Jury will make a centesimal voting, using judgement standard agreed before competition beginning:
1st Prize
from 95 to 97/100, first prize diploma;
2nd Prize
from 90 to 94/100, second prize diploma;
3rd Prize
from 85 to 89/100, third prize diploma;
Merit diploma, from 80 to 84/100.
The other candidates will have a certificate.
The best candidates in Sections Young Talents, III, IV, max points (95-97 points) and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classified in Section I group A-B and Section II will have a scholarship:
Section Young Talents (up to 11 years old)
scholarship € 100
Section I Piano
group A (up to 15 years old)
I classified € 500
II classified € 300
III classified € 100
group B (up to 21 years old)
I classified € 700
II classified € 400
III classified € 200
Section II
Pianistic performance (up to 37 years old)
I classified € 2000 and 1 prize-concert
II classified € 800 and 1 prize-concert
III classified € 400 and 1 prize-concert
Section III Chamber music (no age limits)
scholarship € 500 ( the best classified with the max. points between group A-B )
Sezione IV Vocal music (no age limits)
scholarship € 500 ( the best classified with the max. points between group A-B ), special prize offered by Fondazione “Paolo Grassi”, Martina Franca.
Only the 1st classified of the I, II, III and IV sections will performe in final concert and can be selected for the absolute prize, moreover 2nd and 3rd classified of sect. I and II will performe in final concert, but they cannot be selected for absolute prize.
Teacher who has more awarded pupils will receive plate and mention.
Absolute first prize among I, II, III, IV sections, selected by Jury in the final concert will be who will have the max. points not less than 98/100. He/She or the winning ensemble will have Absolute Winner diploma and Plate, “Daniele Lobefaro” Scholarship € 1000 and, n.1 prize-concerts and will be appointed Jury member in the next Competition edition.
The winner or winning ensemble on the 21st competition edition must play in the next edition opening concert.
In the event of ex aequo, scholarships will be divided. Absolute 1st prize scolarship is indivisible.
A prize will be awarded , moreover, from the critics, plate and 1 prize-concert.
N.5 prize-concerts in the 16th Legature Music Season 2020, to 1st or 2nd classified candidates will be awarded.
The scholarships are subject to taxing.
The results will be communicated at the end of each section/group.
The finalists, (1st prizes in Section Young Talents, III and IV and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classified in sect. I group A-B and II) will play in the final concert or they will not receive their prizes.
Final Concert will be on Sunday 2nd June 2019, at the “Rossini” Theatre, Gioia del Colle, at 20,00 , at the presence of Jury and Authorities. Recording, by radio or TV networks of the performances during the rehearsals or during the competition, will not imply any remuneration to performers.
Jury could request other no 1st prize candidates to play in the final concert, but they cannot apply for the Absolute 1st prize and Critics Prize.
Deadline 18th May 2019
It is expedient enrolement on line, . You have to indicate name, number and date of receipt entrance fee payment and attach it
It is possible to download application form
You can also enrole youself by:
- application forms (original or in copy), with encloses (an identity document copy, receipt entrance fee payment), sent through a registered letter within 18th May 2019 (the post stamp date will be considered) to:
Associazione Musicale “Daniele Lobefaro”
via F.lli Rosselli n°1
70023 Gioia del Colle (BA) – Italy ; - applications form, an identity document copy, receipt entrance fee payment, sent by email;
In case of not negotiable banker’s draft, it is obligatory to send it to Associazione Musicale “Daniele Lobefaro” via F.lli Rosselli n°1 – 70023 Gioia del Colle (BA) – Italy ;
Admittance fees:
Sect. Young Talents € 50
1st Section
group A € 70
group B € 80
2nd Section
Pianistic performance € 100
3rd Section – 4th Section ( group A )
€ 45 Duet for each competitor;
€ 35 Trio for each competitor;
€ 30 From Quartet to Octet for each competitor;
€ 20 for each competitor in formation more than Octet.
4th Section ( group B )
€ 70 It is possible to ask for the accompanist pianist for € 30, sending copies of scores 20 days before the audition.
In this case, admittance fee will be € 70 + 30.
The payment of entrance fee will be made through bank order on current account :
IBAN IT98A0200841480000400894223
Headed to: Associazione Musicale “Daniele Lobefaro”
via ORSINI, 13
Gioia del Colle 70023 (BA), Italy.
PAYPAL Payment Page »
MoneyGram to Sorrentino Paola Luigia Payment Page »
The artistic Committee reserve the right to make changes on this announcement , and has faculty to cancel the Competition. In this case candidates will be informed as soon as possible and they will be refunded of the paid fee.
In the other events, the paid entrance fee is not refundable.
Application entails the unconditional acceptance of the present regulation.
The institution “Daniele Lobefaro” will have no responsibility about damages to things or persons during the competition, either about loss of books or documents. In the event of a controversy, the Court of Bari will be the sole competent judge.
tel. +39 080 3433405 +39 328 1891920 +39 328 3774229;
Whatsapp – Imessage +39 328 1891920
e-mail: –