Next year, it will temporarily change its name to Horowitz Competition Kyiv – Geneva 2023 and will be held in Geneva. The number of revolutionary innovations will be enough for decades to come. Just imagine translation on!
This unique international project, which started today under the auspices of the World Federation of International Music Competitions (WFIMC), was created to support Ukraine and Ukrainians during the war. For the first time in history, the largest piano competitions in the world, which are members of the federation – Concours de Genève, Ferruccio Busoni Piano Competition, Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition, Franz Liszt Competition, Cliburn Competition – as well as public, local and private institutions from different countries have pooled their resources to jointly hold the Horowitz Competition and to support Ukrainian musicians.
The support for Ukrainian pianists is the main thing for us in this project. We established a special prize from VERE MUSIC FUND of 5 000 Swiss francs for the best Ukrainian musician of the competition. But there is something more important than money. We will offer one or more Ukrainian participants a series of concerts in Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa and Dnipro. It can be both solo programs and performances with symphony orchestras.
VERE MUSIC FUND has been a partner of the competition since 2017. And we are proud to support many young musicians who in different years were winners of the Horowitz competition in different age groups. Among them are Antonii Baryshevskyi, Roman Lopatynskyi, Dmytro Choni, Illia Ovcharenko, Dmytro Semykras, Bohdan Terletskyi, Polina Sasko, Oleksandr Leonov, Stanislav Huminyuk, Artem Yasynskyi, Danylo Saienko, Oleksii Kanke, Roman Fediurko.
Thank you for your music and for many years of friendship!
What will be new and unusual at the Horowitz Competition in 2023? More specifically at Horowitz Competition Kyiv – Geneva 2023. First, the prizes. The first three prizes are twenty thousand, fifteen thousand and ten thousand Swiss francs, respectively. For the first time there will be a special award for the performance of Ukrainian music, which has become a mandatory part of the program for all participants. Special prizes for the best performance of Chopin’s work and Horowitz’s transcription. And, of course, the concert engagements of all competitions that co-organized the Horowitz Competition Kyiv – Geneva 2023, as well as concerts of prize winners offered by Steinway & Sons (Hamburg) and a tour to South Korea by SBU Artists.
Secondly, the number of participants and the number of tours. Twenty-eight pianists will emerge from the video-based qualifying round to meet live in Geneva in four rounds in the best concert halls of Geneva – the Franz Liszt Hall at the Conservatoire de Musique and Victoria Hall.
Thirdly, a great jury headed by a Ukrainian conductor: Kyrylo Karabyts (jury chairperson), Giuseppe Albanese, Michel Béroff, Oleksii Gorlach, Rico Gulda, Tisa Ho, Piers Lane, Maria Murawska, Sisi Ye.
For the first time in history, the Ukrainian competition will be broadcast live on!!!
Another innovation – for the first time, applications for the competition will be accepted online
What else – no registration fee for Ukrainian musicians, free accommodation, the opportunity to apply for reimbursement of travel expenses. For those who study in Ukraine, it is a shock – but there will be unimpeded access to rehearsal rooms )))
So, dear Ukrainian pianists, go ahead and apply! Deadline – 31 January.