65th International Music Competition Maria Canals

Deadline: 10/12/2018
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Disciplines: Piano
From: 23/03/2019 To: 24/04/2019
Age limit: 17-28


1. The competition is open to young pianists of all nationalities.

2. Age limit as of January 1, 2019: Minimum: 17 years old. Maximum: 28 years old.

3. Contestants from previous Maria Canals Competitions may compete again unless they have already been awarded the first prize in the same branch.

4. Inscription:
All the process has to be done online through the website: www.mariacanals.cat

Required documents to be enclosed to the registration form:

a. A contestant’s identity card or passport.
b. A detailed “Curriculum Vitae”.
c. Previous and present teachers.
d. Contestants must upload a recent and good quality recording on their YouTube channel or other video sharing platform using a fixed camera with no postproduction and with a maximum duration of 20 minutes, including one fast movement of a Beethoven sonata and a work of the applicant’s own choice. The contestants must send the link of the recording through the registration form. The Competition will not be responsible for any external technical problems related to the access to these links.
e. One recent photo in JPG format.
f. The programme form fully completed.

Contestants who have previously been finalists and prizewinners at any competition organised by members of the World Federation of International Music Competitions will be automatically accepted to participate in the first round. They must, however, fill the online form and enclose all documents including one that proves they have received such prize.

Online registration form deadline: Monday, December 10, 2018.

Under no circumstances may the program be altered after the registration deadline. Changes can only be made at the Artistic Director´s request, after the selection process is completed.

5. Pre-selection
In principle, there is no limit to the number of contestants accepted into the competition. The shortlist will be drawn up by a commission chaired by the Artistic Director.

Contestants will be notified whether or not they have been accepted to participate once the commission has made its decision, no later than January 20, 2019.

6. Selected contestants must pay a €180 registration fee within 10 days of being notified of their acceptance. No contestant will be accepted unless this payment is made. Registration fees will not be refunded under any circumstances.

The registration fee must be transferred to:

Concurs Internacional de Música
Maria Canals de Barcelona
Banco Sabadell Atlantico
Via Laietana, 47
08003 Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)
Account Number:
IBAN: ES1100810057300001427051

All bank charges relating to the international transfer are to be paid by the contestants


7. Members of the Jury will not be advised of the contestant’s personal details and their teachers’ names until the Final has taken place and the final verdict is known.
8. No relative or pupil that has received lessons from a member of the Jury in the last three years may take part in the competition. In the event of an irregularity, the contestant will automatically be disqualified.
9. The Members of the Jury will be the same throughout the competition.
10. Contestants that have not advanced to the second round or the semi-final may talk to members of the Jury, if they wish to do so, on March 30 and April 1, both in the morning. Those interested should let the Contestant’s Secretary know in advance, once they are already out of the competition.
11. All decisions of the Jury are final.


12. All selected contestants are required to notify the Competition, in advance, should they decide not to participate. Failure to do so will affect future selection processes.
13. Contestants must attend the preliminary meeting at the given date, time and place, except in the event of force majeure, duly justified. Any delay must be supported by a medical certificate, by any document issued by a transport company or organism certifying that the delay was beyond the contestants control (strikes, technical delays, etc.) or by any other reason valid to the organization. Otherwise, the contestant will not be allowed to participate in the competition.
14. At the preliminary meeting, contestants will have to show an official document (passport or ID card) confirming their age and nationality. They must also provide the Competition with a valid address and contact number in Barcelona. The Competition declines any responsibility for damages to the contestants if these requirements are not fulfilled.
15. At the preliminary meeting, a draw will be held whereby an order of participation number will be assigned to each contestant, valid throughout the Competition. The 65th Competition’s draw will commence with the letter A.
16. The timetables for testing the piano in the hall where the rounds will take place and for the
first round will be issued on the preliminary meeting day.
17. All contestants will be notified on the preliminary meeting day of the practice location during their stay in Barcelona while taking part in the Competition. No additional pianos will be offered when contestants, without prior notice or justification, do not turn up at the designated place and time.

COMPETITION ROUNDS / general considerations

18. Any unjustified late arrival to any round will imply disqualification from the competition.
19. All works must be performed from memory. All works must be performed without repeats (except in the semi-final).
20. The President of the Jury may stop any performance if the contestant exceeds the allotted time for each round.
21. Rating will range from 5 (minimum) to 10 (maximum). The following fractions are admitted: 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75. The resulting averages for each round will only be calculated to two decimal points.
22. Any violation of the competition rules and regulations by the contestant will result in his/her disqualification.
23. All competition rounds are open to the general public but the President of the Jury may clear the hall in the event of exaggerated or untimely demonstrations. Should this occur, the hearing would continue in private.
24. The Competition reserves the right to refuse admission and the right to sell entrance tickets to the public.
25. The Competition owns the rights for recording or broadcasting the rounds, the winner’s concert, other competition concerts and related events by radio, Internet or television. The rights for recording one or several CDs or DVDs may be commercialized and transferred, freely, exclusively and without any limitation of these rights in favour of any person or entity. This transfer of these rights will be free of charge.
26. Any data sent in by the contestants during registration, or that may be generated during the follow-up of their activities, will be included in the Competition’s association database. This information will not be used for any purpose other than that related to the publicity of the competition, the contestants, or other activities. The Competition is also authorized to use this data to publicize the competition and the contestants both during and after the competition.


First Round

27. A minimum average of 7 points is required to be admitted to the second round. At the end of the deliberation of the first round a list of contestants who have obtained this minimum average will be posted. In the event of more than 18 contestants obtaining the minimum average of 7, in principle, only the first 18 ranked contestants will be admitted to the second round.
28. Upon request, contestants who have obtained 7 points or more but have not been admitted to the second round will receive a certificate stating the obtained score. Such certificate will be emailed once the competition is over.

Second Round

29. A minimum average of 8 points is required to be admitted to the semi-final.
30. The average of each contestant after the second round is obtained from the average between the marks obtained in the first round, from which 10% will be deducted, and those obtained in the second round, to which 10% will be added.
31. The Jury will, in principle, not accept more than six contestants for the semi-final.
32. The list of contestants advancing to the semifinal and the list of winners of medals and certificates (honours) will be announced at the Awards Ceremony taking place immediately after the Jury’s deliberation. The contestants must attend in order to receive medals and certificates.
33. The Competition, upon request, will issue a certificate showing the points obtained to all those contestants who have taken part in the second round without having received any award. Such certificate will be emailed once the competition is over.


34. The score to be admitted to the final will be the average of the points obtained after the second round, from which 10% will be deducted, and those obtained in the semi-final, to which 10% will be added.
35. The Jury will not accept more than three contestants to the final.
36. Contestants participating in the semi-final not qualifying for the final will obtain a medal and a diploma as semi-finalists.
37. The list of semi-finalists advancing to the final will be announced after the Jury´s deliberation. Those semi-finalists not being selected to the final and who cannot stay until the Official Awards Ceremony is held at the Town Hall, on April 4, shall attend the Award Ceremony to be held on April 1, in the morning. Semi-finalists will be offered the chance to participate in Off Competition recitals, when available.


38. The marks to decide who will be the Competition winners will be obtained from the average between the points obtained after the Semi-Final and the points obtained in the Final.
39. Prizes will be awarded by order of marks. First, Second and Third prizes cannot be shared. In the event of a tie (when the difference between candidates is no greater than 0.05) the first prize will be decided by a secret vote. If the difference between the second and third finalist is less than 0.05, the Jury will vote the second prize. Should the vote end in a tie, the President of the Jury will have the casting vote.
40. Winners of the main prizes and the audience prize will be announced following the Jury’s decision, shortly after the final, in the presence of the audience.
41. The order of participation in the final will be, in principle, based on the contestant’s number. The order of participation may be changed in the case of repeated concerts or at the request of the orchestra conductor.


42. Prizewinners must attend the official Awards Ceremony in order to receive their prizes (main prizes, special prizes and/or concert prizes).

43. The Artistic Director will select the prizewinners performing in the Closing Ceremony. These prizewinners must take part in this recital without any compensation. The Artistic Director will also select the piece or pieces to be played among those presented throughout the competition.

44. Should an awarded contestant be absent at the official Awards Ceremony or other Competition events (where he/she has been designated to participate) he/she will automatically lose all prizes and associated benefits, except in the event of illness, of which medical proof is required.

45. Any contestant selected to perform at one of the concerts offered by the Competition will have to accept all terms and conditions –financial, dates, repertoire– established by the promoters and previously agreed upon with the Competition. If these conditions are not met, the contestant will not be allowed to perform. The Competition is not liable for any breach of the obligation to organize the agreed concerts by the promoters and prize donors. The Competition reserves the right to cancel any concert when the prizewinners do not make tax and administrative procedures easier and do not meet deadlines set by the priz donors.

46. By sending the online registration form, the applicant accepts that all terms and conditions of the Competition are read, understood and accepted.


Main prizes

First Prize
Fundació Jesús Serra Prize
25.000 Euros
Gold medal offered by
Bagués-Masriera Joiers.

Second Prize
Fundació Carulla Prize
10.000 Euros
Medal offered by Capdevila,
Joiers i Argenters.

Third Prize
Montserrat Isern de Coromina Prize
6.000 Euros
Medal offered by Sant, Joieria i Argenteria.

Fourth place
Mariona Guarro de Martínez Girona
1.500 Euros

Fifth place
Museu de la Colònia Vidal Prize
1.500 euros

Sixth place
Premio Joan-Artur Roura i Comas
1.500 Euros



Special Prizes

Trinity College London
A prize of €2,500 and a Spanish tour offered
by The Trinity College London to the Spanish
contestant with the highest score from the
second round on.

Solfa Recordings
25 hours of recording and edition offered by
Solfa Recordings to the finalist receiving the
most votes from the audience.

Manuel Blancafort Foundation
Prize of €1,500 offered by the Fundació
Manuel Blancafort to the best performer of
music by Manuel Blancafort from the second
round on (to consult the catalogue of works:

Fundació Pública Museu Isaac Albéniz
de Camprodon
Prize of €1,000 and a recital in Camprodón, to
be confirmed, offered by the Fundació Pública
Museu Isaac Albéniz de Camprodón to the best
performer of music by Isaac Albéniz.

Frederic Mompou Foundation
Prize of €1,500 offered by the Fundació
Frederic Mompou to the best semi-finalist
performer of music by Frederic Mompou, from
the second round on (to consult the catalogue
of works: www.fundaciómompou.cat).

Special concert and recital prizes


Frederic Mompou Foundation
Recital offered by the Fundació Frederic Mompou for the 2020 season of Nous ValorsJoves&Clàssica de Joventuts Musicals de Barcelona to the best performer of music by Frederic Mompou, from the second round on.

Instituto Cervantes de Palermo
Recital offered by Instituto Cervantes de
Palermo to the Spanish contestant with the
highest score from the second round on.

Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Barcellona
Recital offered by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Barcellona to the best-ranked Italian performer among the top ten.

Jesús Serra Foundation
Fundación Jesús Serra
Concert with Orchestra in Granada
A minimum of 1 concert with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Granada during the regular season at the Auditorio Manuel de Falla, offered to the first prizewinner of the Competition.

Fundación Jesús Serra
Concert with Orchestra in Bilbao
A minimum of 1 concert with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Bilbao during the regular season at the Palacio Eskalduna, offered to the first prizewinner of the Competition.

Fundación Jesús Serra
Concert with Orchestra in Tenerife
A minimum of 1 concert with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife during the regular
season at the Auditorio Adán Martín, offered to the first prizewinner of the Competition.

Fundación Jesús Serra
Concert with Orchestra in Madrid
A minimum of 1 concert with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid during the regular season at the Auditorio Nacional, offered to the first prizewinner of the Competition.

Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla
A concert with the Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla at the Teatro de la Maestranza, offered to the first prizewinner of the competition.

L’auditori – Barcelona
Concert with the JONC orchestra on occasion of the Festival Emergents de Barcelona.

Concert offered by the Gaspar Farreras family to one of the finalists at Jardí dels Tarongers in Barcelona. At the concert, the  prizewinner should perform one of the pieces suggested by the organization.

Recital at the Museu Nacional d´Art de Catalunya (MNAC) in Barcelona offered by Amics del MNAC to the first prizewinner.

Recital in the concerts series «Música con encanto» offered by Centro de Divulgación Musical del Mediterráneo to one of the finalists.

Piano recital at the Festival de Música Clàssica Santa Florentina-Castell Jalpí d´Arenys de Munt offered to one of the finalists.