Concertino Praga 2019 Radio Competition

Deadline: 15/12/2018
Location: Praha, Czech Republic
Disciplines: Violin Harp Cello Piano
From: 09/06/2019 To: 14/06/2019
Age limit: under 16

The Competition Rules For The Concertino Praga 2019 Radio Competition

This international radio competition for young musicians held under the patronage of the European Broadcasting Union ( is a member of the European Union of Music Competitions for Youth (

Concertino Praga 2019 has been announced in following categories:


Competition schedule and important deadlines

International round application deadline: December 15, 2018

Results of the international round announcement: February 2019

Concert of laureates: June 9, 2019

South Bohemian Festival Concertino Praga: June 11 – 15, 2019

New edition of Concertino Praga 2020 will be announced in March 2019.

The following is required with the registration:

– a curriculum vitae with a maximum length of 1100 keystrokes,

– two photographs in print quality with the stated name of the photographer,

– NEW – comprehensive sheet music for the optional compositions,

– the accompanying sheet with the prescribed documentation. The accompanying sheet is available from the competition website,

– NEW – A video recording of the making of the competition recording which the jury will view in the case of any doubts associated with the making of the competition recording (it can be made using a mobile telephone, the jury will not take its quality into account).

Article 1

The competition for 2019 has been opened in the following categories:


Article 2

The competition organiser is: Czech Radio – Concertino Praga

Vinohradská 12, 120 99, Prague 2



Competition production and secretariat:

Simona Hopfingerová

tel.: (+420) 221 551 509

mobile phone: (+420) 603 169 317


(hereafter simply referred to as the “organiser”)

Article 3

Participation in the competition is limited by age. The competition is open to musicians who were born in 2002 or later.

Article 4

Artistic performances by the candidates which have been recorded in the WAV stereo format on regular audio media (hereafter simply referred to as the “recordings”) will be evaluated in the competition. The recordings must be made in a studio or during a live performance in the period between 1st January and 15th December 2018 and must be live recordings without any editing in post. The recordings may not be subject to any broadcasting rights of the European Broadcasting Union (the EBU) or any mechanical rights (IFPI).

The organisation sponsoring the contestant will arrange the recording with a minimum total length of 20 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes at its own expense and will send it to the organiser in the WAV/PCM format -16/24 bits – 44.1/48kHz. Recordings lasting less than 20 minutes will be rejected from the competition. The jury may shorten the listening time for any any recordings which exceed 30 minutes.

Article 5

Each organisation may register a maximum of five candidates in the competition regardless of the number of instrument categories.

Article 6

Candidates may only register for the competition using the form which can be downloaded from the competition’s website. The (registration) form must be sent to the organiser by email in the Word format with the signature on the last page of the registration form in the jpg or pdf format.

The following compulsory pieces have been set in the individual categories for 2019:

violin: J. Suk: 4 Pieces for Violin and Piano, Op. 17 (II. Appassionato, IV. Burleska)

cello: B. Martinů: Variations on the Slovak Theme

piano: V. Novák: Reminiscences, Op. 6. (Inquietto)

harp: J. B. Krumpholtz: Recueil de 12 Préludes et petits Airs Op. 2 for Harp (no. 6)

As well as the compulsory piece, the competition recording will also contain a free program of the competitor’s choice. It is recommended that the competition repertoire should include a selection of stylistically different periods. In the case of earlier music, i.e. original baroque or classicist works, the piano part may be replaced with a harpsicord. Due to the broadcasting of the recordings on the radio, instrumental concertos where the orchestral accompaniment has been replaced with a piano extract will not be accepted. Recordings with these types of pieces may be rejected from the competition.

The individual parts of the competition recordings will be stored at the organiser’s storage facility so that each part is stored as an independent track. The individual competition recordings will be labelled with the serial number of the competition recording and the competitor’s name (for example, 1_John Smith). The organiser will send the competitor information about the access to the storage facility after the receipt of the registration form.

The deadline for the submission of registration forms and the delivery of the competition recordings is 15th December 2018. The organiser will confirm the receipt of the registration within five days.

The following is also required with the registration:

– A curriculum vitae with a maximum length of 1100 keystrokes,

– Two photographs in print quality with the stated name of the photographer,

– Comprehensive sheet music for the optional compositions,

– The accompanying sheet with the prescribed documentation. The accompanying sheet is available from the competition website,

– A video recording of the making of the competition recording which the jury will view in the case of any doubts associated with the making of the competition recording (it can be made using a mobile telephone, the jury will not take its quality into account).

At the same time, the competitors also provide their consent for the use of these materials for the purposes of promoting the competition.

Article 7

The jury will consist of seven members. The EBU group for musical programs appoints at least one jury member each year. The remaining members of the jury are appointed by the organiser. The jury’s chairperson will be appointed by the organiser. Organisations which have registered a competitor in the competition, including Czech Radio, may not have a representative on the international jury. The jury members may not receive any information about the candidates.

The jury may award the first and second prize in each category. The winners of these prizes receive the title “Laureate of the Concertino Praga competition”. The jury may also award an “Honorary Mention”. The jury is not required to award all the prizes. The jury will not awardany prizes ex aequo (tied prizes).

The winner of the Helena Karásková Award, which the jury awards to one of the first prize winners from the various categories, becomes the absolute winner of the competition.

The jury awards the EMCY Award. The award goes to the competitor who shows exceptional musicality and a distinctive, mature and inspirational musical expression. The jury also awards a Prize for the best performance of a piece by Bohuslav Martinů. The winner of the Bohuslav Martinů Prize will receive a financial prize which is provided by the Bohuslav Martinů Foundation.

The jury’s voting will always be undertaken secretly and anonymously using voting slips. The jury’s meetings will not be public; the only exception applies to the authorised employees of Czech Radio. The jury’s decisions will be final. All of the meetings of the international jury will be in English.

Article 8

The organiser will inform the organisations of the competition results at the latest within ten days of the conclusion of the jury’s meeting. The results will also be published on the competition’s website.

Article 9

The laureates of the Concertino Praga International Radio Competition are obliged to defend their awards at a gala concert in Prague and at the Concertino Praga Festival in South Bohemia in June 2019. The organiser may also invite candidates who have received honorary mentions.

Article 10

The gala concert will be broadcast in a live broadcast by Czech Radio – Vltava. The organizer will do everything to ensure that this concert is broadcast in the form of a video broadcast and that it is broadcast via the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in the Euroradio season during 2019.

The concerts at the South Bohemian festival will be broadcast by Czech Radio – Vltava as a live or recorded broadcast. The organiser can also invite the winners of the Czech Republic’s nomination round to the South Bohemian Concertino Praga Festival concerts or to any other concerts organised by Czech Radio.

Article 11

The winner of the Helena Karásková Prize will receive either

1) the opportunity to record his or her own CD at the Czech Radio studios. The recording will be issued in 200 impressions (by mutual agreement), of which the radio organisation, which sent the candidate to the competition, will receive 20;

Czech Radio reserves the right to 30 copies for the promotion of the competition. The recording and publication of the non-commercial CD is intended to support the most successful candidate who can use the recording for promotional purposes.


2) the opportunity to make recordings in the Czech Radio studios with the option of their non-commercial use in all forms, all technical means and for promotional purposes where Czech Radio will secure the purchase of any protected works.

The selection from these two options is at the discretion of the winner of the Helena Karásková Prize.

The recording may not be used for any commercial purposes without the consent of Czech Radio (the conclusion of a licensing contract). Czech Radio will be the publisher of the CD and the holder of the rights of the manufacturer of the sound recording. Czech Radio reserves the right to use this recording for its own promotional purposes and for radio broadcast.

Article 12

The organiser will provide the EBU with the recordings of the candidates, who have received the first and second prizes, as a Pink offer. The EBU will receive this offer within one month of the completion of the jury’s meetings.

The organiser will also offer the EBU the opportunity to broadcast of all the concerts either live or as a recording. The broadcast organisations which have participated in the competition are aware of their moral responsibility to rebroadcast the audio recordings.

Article 13

The organiser will defray the following costs:

  1. a) the transport costs in the Czech Republic and the stays of the laureates and their accompanying persons in Prague and at the South Concertino Praga Bohemian Festival, but only in the case of transport and accommodation which has been secured by the organiser. The organiser will not defray any transport and accommodation costs, which the laureate and his or her accompanying persons arrange themselves.

The organiser will only pay for transport to and from the Czech Republic for laureates and their accompanying persons.

The winners will not receive a fee from the organiser.

No monies will be paid out to the individual organisations which have sent the contestants to the competition.

The accompanying persons will delegated by the organisation which has registered the competitor in the competition;

  1. b) the costs associated with the winners’ public concerts;
  2. c) the fees, travel expenses and accommodation of jury members.

Article 14

By sending the recording to the competition, the organisation agrees to its further use by Czech Radio and the members of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), especially for radio broadcasts, the release of a CD of the best competition recordings, the release of a CD to the absolute winner and for the promotion of the competition (for example, releasing the recording on the website of Czech Radio etc.).

By sending the registration, the candidates (or their legal guardians) give their consent to Czech Radio for the use of the competition recordings, the use of their performances at the Winners’ Concert and on the June concert tour and additionally their consent for the acquisition of their graphic depictions (especially photographs) during the events associated with the competition which are organised by Czech Radio and for the use of these photographs for the needs and promotion of the competition (placement on the competition website and so on) at an unlimited extent in all cases.

By submitting the registration to the Concertino Praga competition, the organisations and the candidates also provide their full agreement with the existing conditions of the competition. The exaction of the prizes through the courts is impossible.

Article 15

The competition organiser reserves the right to change the rules of the competition. These existing conditions will be drawn up in Czech and in English. In the case of a contentious translation, the version in the Czech language will be decisive. The legal registered office will be the organiser’s address.

Article 16

Conditions on-line:


The list of members of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU): The list of members of the International Music Council (IMC):

The list of the members of the European Music Council (EMC):


In 2020, the competition will be opened for soloists in the following categories:

flute | oboe | clarinet | bassoon| trumpet


Gail Henry, Ireland;

Jaroslav Kubita, Czech Republic;

Karel Dohnal, Czech Republic;

Kaspar Zehnder, Switzerland;

Michal Kaňka; Czech Republic;

Michal Rezek; Czech Republic

František Souček, Czech Republic.