2023 приніс багато музичних перемог, якими ділимося і пишаємося разом з вами!
Ці яскраві талановиті музиканти творять музичну історію України під час війни, а їх неймовірні досягнення на самих престижних конкурсах світу знову й знову підтверджують високий рівень української виконавської школи навіть у важкі часи.
Dmytro Udovychenko (violin)
1th prize at the Concours musical international de Montréal 2023 (Montréal, Canada).
Roman Fediurko (piano)
1th prize and 5 special Prizes at the Volodymyr Horowitz Piano Competition Kyiv-Geneva 2023 (Geneva, Switzerland).
1th prize and 2 special prizes at the Robert Schumann International Competition (Düsseldorf, Germany).
1th prize at the César Franck International Piano Competition (Brussels, Belgium).
1th prize at the International ClaMo Piano Competition (Murcia, Spain).
1th prize and special prize at the 10th Yamaha USASU Young Artists Senior Piano Competition (New York, USA).
Bohdan Luts (violin)
1th prize at the Long-Thibaud International Violin Competition (Paris, France)
Roman Lopatynskyi (piano)
3nd prize at the Concurs Internacional de Música Maria Canals (Barcelona, Spain).
5th prize at the Ljubljana Festival International Piano Competition (Ljubljana, Slovenia).
Anfisa Bobylova (piano)
2nd prize at the Luis Sigall International Piano Competition (Vina del Mar, Chile).
1th prize at the 20th Padova International Music Competition (Padua, Italy).
1th prize at the 3rd Great Piano Masters Competition.
Danylo Saienko (piano)
1th prize at the Palma D’oro International Piano Competition (Italy – Germany).
5th prize at the International Competition of Polish Music (Warsaw, Poland).
3nd prize at the Livorno Piano Competition (Livorno, Italy).
2nd prize at the Euregio Piano Award international Piano competition 2023 (Monschau, Germany).
Dmytro Semykras (piano)
1th prize at the 24th Ile-de-France International Piano Competition (Maisons-Laffitte, France).
Oleksandr Fediurko (piano)
1th prize at the International Piano Talent Competition (Milan, Italy).
1th prize at the César Franck International Piano Competition (Brussels, Belgium).
3rd prize and Audience prize at the Genève International Music Piano Competition (Geneva, Switzerland).
Oleksandra Khmara (violin)
1th prize at the Concorso Musicale Città di Villafranca (Villafranca, Italy).
Margaryta Pochebut (violin)
3d prize at the Concertino Praga – the Antonín Dvořák International Radio Competition for Young Musicians 2023 (Czech Republic).
Elizaveta Pochebut (piano)
2nd prize and Special prize at the Carl Filtsch Piano Competition (2023, Romania).
Denis Stefanov (pianio)
First Class Honourable Mention at the Concertino Praga – the Antonín Dvořák International Radio Competition for Young Musicians 2023 (Czech Republic).
Nataliia Stets (conducting)
1th prize at the International Conducting Competition Cittá di Brescia-Giancarlo Facchinetti (Brescia, Italy).
Maria Narodytska (piano)
1th prize at the Buono Piano Competition (New York, USA).
Sofiia Plakhtsinska (violin)
4th prize at the International Violin Competition “Rodolfo Lipizer Prize” (Gorizia, Italy).
Mikhail Diordiev (piano)
2nd prize at the Samson François International Piano Competition (Cagnes sur Mer, France).
Akim Kravchenko (violin)
1th prize at the International Competition Stankovych (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Ameliia Plochko (piano)
1th prize at the International Competition Stankovych (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Yulia Merkudinova (soprano)
2nd prize at the Concurso de Canto Tenor Viñas (Barcelona, Spain).
Iryna Borysova (violin)
2nd prize at the Josef Hassid International Violin Competition (Tartu, Estonia).
Galyna Gusachenko (piano)
1th prize at the Palma D’oro International Piano Competition (Italy – Germany).
Mykhailo Zinchenko (violin)
3th prize at the Josef Hassid International Violin Competition (Tartu, Estonia).
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